Three Lakes Loop


Three Lakes Loop #

This classic loop circumnavigates lakes Rotorua, Rotoiti and Rotoehu. It starts with a ride through Sulphur Point and onto the Mokopuna Trail in the redwoods, then takes various backroads and the main highway out to Tikitere. There’s a sneaky loop through Hongi’s Track to avoid a nasty stretch of highway, but the rest is pretty safe with a good shoulder, and there are few cycle paths beside the highway you can take if you want.

You’re back on the gravel once you reach Manawahe Road, and have some delightful riding to look forward to. Hamilton Road has a good climb, but once you’re on the top you’re back in rolling country all the way to Okere Falls.

It’s easy to extend this loop, for example by combining it with the Western Okataina trail, or by heading all the way down Rotoehu Road and Old Coach Road, then back up Pongokawa Bush Road, Pugh Road and Manawahe Road as described in the Kaikokopu and Pugh loop. You could even continue on SH 30 around the edge of Lake Rotoma and then head back via Rendell Road, before picking the course back up on the Hamilton Road turnoff.